Email Options for Password Changes

The following tables outlines the possible scenarios that may occur when a password is changed, along with the corresponding email options:

Add a user

Is confidential password required? Is an email notification sent? Which email is triggered when configured? Explanation
Yes Yes New User Record Created There is no action of changing a password.
Yes No New User Record Created There is no action of changing a password.
No Yes New User Record Created and Admin Password Change The administrator manually defines a password. Configuring the New User Created email is not recommended for organizations with this configuration.
No No New User Record Created The administrator manually defines a password. Configuring the New User Created email is not recommended for organizations with this configuration.

Admin changes the user's password

Is confidential password required? Is an email notification sent? Which email is triggered when configured? Explanation
Yes Yes Forget Password There is no action of changing a password.
Yes No Forget Password There is no action of changing a password.
No, and the Send Forgot Password email option is selected. Yes Forget Password There is no action of changing a password.
No, and the Define a temporary password option is selected. Yes Admin Password Change
No, and the Send Forgot Password email option is selected. No Forget Password There is no action of changing a password.
No, and the Define a temporary password option is selected. No None

User changes their own password

Is confidential password required? Is an email notification sent? Which email is triggered when configured?
Yes Yes User Password Change
Yes No None
No Yes User Password Change
No No None

Password Password Password Password Password Password Password Password Password Password Password Password Password Password Password