Development Plan Preferences - Development Plan Objective Categories

The Objective Categories section of the Development Plan Preferences page allows administrators to add pre-defined categories to the list users use to select their objectives. Administrators can also delete and set a default category.

To modify development plan preferences, go to Admin > Tools > Performance Management > Development Plan Preferences and go to the Objective Categories section.

Add an Objective Category

  1. Click Add Objective Category.
  2. On the flyout, select one or more objective categories.
  3. Click Save. The selected objective categories appear in the Objective Categories section.

Objective Categories Table

  • Title - The name of the objective category.
  • Options - Select one of the following options:
    • Make Default/Default - Click Make Default to set which item is the default type when creating objective categories for development plans. Default indicates the current default.
    • Remove - For each objective category, you can click the Delete icon next to the category to remove it from the list. If an objective category is removed that is used in a user's development plan, that category remains in that development plan. If the default category is deleted, the first category in the table is selected as the default.