Development Plan Preferences - Development Plan Activity Types

The Activity Types section of the Development Plan Preferences page allows you to manage the administrator-created activity types for development plans.

Note: You cannot create new activity types on this page. See Development Plan Activity Types.if you need to create new activity types.

To manage activity types, go to Admin > Tools > Performance Management > Development Plan Preferences and go to the Activity Types section.

Add Activity Type

Click Add Activity Type to add an activity type from the list of administrator-created activity types.

Activity Types Table

  • Title - The name of the activity type.
  • Options - Select one of the following options:
    • Make Default/Default - Click Make Default to set which item is the default type when creating action steps for development plans. "Default" indicates the current default.
    • Delete - Click the Trash Can icon to remove item from the list. If an item is removed that is used in a user's development plan, the removed type remains in that development plan. If the default type is removed, the first type in the table is selected as the default.