Define Fiscal Year

Administrators can select the month and date the hours should be calculated for the fiscal year end.

To define the fiscal year, go to Admin > Tools > Learning > Learning Preferences > Define Fiscal Year.

Define Fiscal Year Settings

Define fiscal year settings using the following steps:

  1. Fiscal year ends - Determine the ending date for the fiscal year for which the aggregate training hours will reflect
  2. Display aggregate training hours information on transcript - Check to enable users to view their aggregate training hours for the year on their transcript page.
    • Aggregate total hours is the total of all Completed hours for any activity that has training hours associated with it (online class, quick class, session, external training, etc.) and the dollar amount based on one year as determined by the end date.
    • The fiscal year is automatically calculated as follows; 12 months + 1 day = Fiscal Year Start Date. Example: Current Year is 2008. Fiscal Year ends 12/31, and then the start date is 1/1/2008.
    • If a fiscal year is selected that is less than the current date, then the fiscal end date will be for the following year and not the current year.
  3. Click the Submit button.