Connect Preferences (Old)

  1. Go to Admin page
  2. Click Preferences link
  3. Click Connect (by Division) under Connect Preferences
  4. Find and click applicable division from hierarchy
  5. User Profile Fields - click the Add User Fields icon
    1. Search and select up to 10 fields. Only user record standard and custom fields are available for selection.
    2. Position - the fields can be ordered by dragging and dropping them. By hovering over the field, the field will appear highlighted and can be moved
    3. Click Save
  6. User Profile - click icon on bar to expand/collapse the options
    1. Display user profiles - check to enable user profiles to be active and visible to users within Connect. Select user fields to display with Profile.
    2. Display User photos - check to display user photo in User Profiles and next to user postings and/or comments
    3. Allow user to hide profile - check to enable users to hide their profile entirely to other users within Connect
    4. Allow users to post profile comments - check to enable users to post comments on other user's profiles and delete comments from their own profile
    5. Allow users to post updates to their profile - check to enable user update feature. Users may add updates to their profile for others to view and comment on. Updates will appear within the Live Feed on Connect main page for all connected users.
    6. Favorites: Automatic Email Notification - check to send out an email notification when a user indicates a favorite Topic, Author, or Posting.
    7. Allow users to create a Connect Display Name - check to allow user to either display their system defined name in Connect or to create a unique Connect Display Name. A Connect display name will appear in all Connect pages where the user name would display. Note - this option is best used for an extended enterprise or retail model, where customers or vendors are self-registering and entering into the client's portal. This model allows those users to have anonymity when sharing ideas in Connect.
    8. Allow RSS Feeds - check to enable ability for users to subscribe to receive RSS Feeds on Connect updates. Feeds will display on an external feed reader and within the Connect Profile.
  7. User Profile Navigational Links - click icon on bar to expand/collapse the options
    1. Navigation Links - enter text to change titles of navigation links (limit 20 characters) NOTE: Profile page and View All pages off of profile are the only locations they will see these title changes. For instance, if Postings is changed to News, Connect search drop-down and Connect main page tab within the Live Feed will still say Postings.
    2. Translate icon - click to enter translated text into text boxes. (limit 20 characters)
  8. Additional Options - click icon on bar to expand/collapse the options
    1. Allow Rating system -check to enable the 5 start rating system for posting. Users can view ratings and rate postings. Suggestions, if enabled, will always allow ratings regardless of this setting
    2. Exclude Community Leaders from Community Members - check to exclude Community Leaders from Community Members. If not checked, this will allow users to view who the leaders of the Community that have been assigned through the Connect Community Administration page. By default, this will not be checked and therefore leaders will appear as members.
    3. Allow Users to edit postings - check to enable users the ability to edit their own postings after they have been posted. If enabled, edit icons will appear on user's posting pages when they navigate to them allowing them to edit the posting.
    4. Assign recipient to Profile Abuse Reports - check to enable the Report Abuse link on pages. Assign an individual contact to receive profile abuse reports. If specified contact changes their status to Absent, their manager will receive the abuse report email.
    5. Featured Blog - Check to display a featured blog on the Connect main page. If no blog is selected as the featured blog, the blog with the most recently created blog entry is displayed as the featured blog.
      • Select a blog - If a blog selected is within a topic that is not visible to the end users, the featured blog widget displays the blog with the most recently created blog entry within a topic that is visible to the user. If there are no blogs within any topics that the user has permission to view, then this widget does not appear on the Connect main page.
    6. Featured Author - check to display a featured Author on the Connect main page. If no Author is selected, the most recent posting's Author will appear.
      • Select an author - the list of authors matches the list of authors that appear on the Authors tab of the Connect main page (In the Live Feed panel). If the selected author has not made any postings to a topic and end user can see, then the Featured Author widget will display to that end user instead the author who posted the most recent posting to a topic the end user can see. If there are no topics with any postings that the end user can see, then the widget on the main page does not display.
    7. Top Rated Suggestion -check to display the suggestion with the most positive votes. If this option is not checked the Top Rated Suggestion widget does not appear on the Connect main page. If there are no suggestions made or the posting type suggestions are not available for the division or portal, then the widget will not appear, even if the option is checked. The system references the suggestion posting with the most thumbs up votes that is visible to the end user. This means that one end user may see a different top rated suggestion than another end user depending on their availability for various topics.
    8. Leader Board - check to display the top 10 users who have created the most postings. If this option is not checked the leader board will not display on the Connect main page. The authors that populate the Authors tab on the live feed, are the authors referenced for the quantity of postings they have each added to Connect. Based on the quantity of postings (for available and not available topics), the top 10 users with the most postings are listed in this widget. The author's name is clickable and navigates the end user to the author's profile page. If the name is gray it means the profile page is private, and the name link is not clickable. The sum of postings is the number of postings that author has created in total, regardless of the end users topic availability.
    9. Connect News - check to display a scrolling message across the top of the Connect main page. ( Character limit is 450, text only) If this option is not checked the Connect News widget does not appear on the Connect main page.
    10. Tag Cloud - check to display a Tag Cloud on the Topic page or on a Community page. If this option is active, the Tag Cloud by default displays on the Topic page, and becomes an option when defined on a Community page layout.
      • Simple is the frequency of a tag used for one or more topics. A simple tag cloud is determining tag size and display in the cloud by the count/frequency of a tag used for a posting in a topic.
      • Complex considers the tag frequency, the associated posting's number or views, and its ratings. Ratings are weighted heaviest of the 3 components.

Overwrite Settings

Select this option to overwrite custom settings for child division OUs. If you overwrite custom settings for child division OUs, the selected settings are applied to both new and existing child OUs. Any previously customized child OUs are updated with the selected settings.

  • If there are no customizations to the child OU, then the parent OU customizations are applied to all child OUs.
  • Overwrite custom settings checkbox setting
    • If this option is selected, all child OU customizations are deleted from the database, which means the parent OU customizations will be applied to new and existing child OUs.
    • If this option is unselected, all existing child OU customizations will remain unchanged, and any new child OUs will inherit the parent OU customizations by default.
  • If a child OU has been customized to display any widgets, then regardless of the parent OU customizations, the child OU customizations are applied.
  • If a child OU has been customized to hide all widgets, then parent OU customizations will take precedence and will be applied.

Click Submit.