Competency Assessment Models - Manage

A competency model is a group of competencies that defines the skills and knowledge that are required for a job. It is a collection of competencies that define successful performance for a job.

Use the Competency Models page to create new competency models, define competency model categories, define the default rating scale for competency models, and search for and manage existing competency models.

NOTE: Before creating and managing competency models, administrators must first define their organization's competencies.

Competencies and competence categories are defined through the Competency Bank. See Competency Bank - Overview.

To access the Competency Models page, go to Admin > Tools > Performance Management > Competency Assessment Models. Then, click the Competency Assessment Models link in the Competency Assessments section.

Search Models

Use the search fields to search for an existing competency model by name, category, or competency. The system only returns the most recent version of the competency model that contains the competency.

Create New Competency Model

Click the Create New Competency Model link to create a new competency model. This link is only available to administrators who have permission to manage competency models. See Competency Models - Create/Edit.

Define Model Categories

Click the Define Model Categories link to create or modify competency model categories. This link is only available to administrators who have the Competency Assessment Model permission. See Competency Model Category - Create.

Define Default Rating Scale

Click the Define Default Rating Scale link to create or modify competency model categories. This link is only available to administrators who have the Competency Assessment Model permission. See Competency Rating Scale - Define Default.

Competency Models Table

Within the Competency Models table, a competency model is only displayed if the administrator has Admin Visibility for the competency model. In addition, the administrator must also have permission to view, edit, or manage competency models.

The following information is displayed for each competency model:

  • Model - Competency model name. For competency models with multiple versions, an expand icon appears to the left of the competency model name. Click this icon to view the additional versions. The following information is displayed for previous versions:
    • Name - Competency model name prior to the new version being created.
    • Version - Competency model version number.
    • Preview - A read-only version of the competency model settings for the previous version.
  • Version - Version number for the associated competency model.
  • Category - Group to which this competency model is assigned.
  • Date Created - Date the competency model is created.

Competency Model Options

The following options are available for competency models:

  • Preview - View a read-only version of the competency model settings. This option is only available if the administrator has permission to view, edit, or manage competency models.
  • Edit - Edit a competency model. This option is only available if the administrator has permission to edit or manage competency models. Note: When editing a competency model, administrators can view all of the competencies that have been added to the competency model, regardless of the administrator's permissions and the competencies' Admin Visibility settings. When editing a competency or competency model that has been used in a Competency Assessment type performance review section, a warning message is displayed at the top of the Edit Competency Model page. This warning is intended to prevent modifications to the competency model from affecting In Progress or Competed performance reviews.
  • Copy - Copy a competency mode. This option is only available if the administrator has permission to manage competency models.
  • Remove - Delete a competency model. This option is only available if the administrator has permission to manage competency models. A competency model cannot be deleted if it is used in a task or if it has been versioned.