Performance Overview for Managers

Cornerstone's Performance Module integrates all aspects of the employee performance process with the Learning Management System so that learning opportunities or performance improvement needs identified in the Performance functionality can lead to training activities in the Learning Management System to provide targeted training for individuals based on their needs.

The Development Plan functionality in Cornerstone Performance automates employee development planning to improve employee performance and retention. Individual development plans can be dynamically generated based on employee competency assessment scores. These plans may include activities to address a competency gap or to further develop strengths that have been identified in the assessment process. You can tie any aspect of the performance management process to employee development targets.

Employees can collaborate online with their managers to create objective-based development plans and can also design a career path by determining proactive developmental activities, and tracking and measuring targeted improvements that coincide with an employee's development plan.

When you integrate Cornerstone Performance with Cornerstone Learning, an employee's development plan will prompt the system to automatically recommend relevant training based on competency gaps and development goals. Connecting your development programs to training allows you to track and prove a measurable correlation between training programs and increased employee performance.

See also: