My Team - Reviews

The Reviews page displays the employee's performance reviews. The manager can view the title, status, due date, and rating of all completed performance reviews for all direct and indirect reports.

See Performance Review Summary.

View Review Ratings

A rating bar appears to the right of the title of each review. The rating graphically and numerically displays the overall performance review rating for each review.

  1. If the review is in progress, the due date of the assessment displays but the review title is not clickable and the rating is null.
  2. For completed reviews, the manager can see the completion date and rating.

View Review Attachments

If an attachment is available for the review, an Attachment icon appears to the right of the review rating. Click this icon to view the Open Attachments pop-up that lists all available attachments for the review. Click the attachment link to open the attachment.

Print Review

If a review has at least one step open to the manager, the manager can click the title of the performance review to view a printable version of the performance review. The Print Review pop-up appears.

The following options are available in the Print Review pop-up:

  • Manager Version - This option prints all sections of the performance review, including all submitted responses.
  • Reviewee Version - This option prints only the sections that are visible to the reviewee.

Launch Off-Cycle Review Task

If the manager has the permission to launch off-cycle performance review tasks, the Actions drop-down list appears. To launch an off-cycle, from the Actions drop-down list, select the Launch Review option. Note: The Launch Review option is only available if you have the permission to launch off-cycle performance review tasks. Having this permission does not guarantee that the user can launch an off-cycle review, only that they will have access to the Launch Performance Review page. A task must still be configured properly for the user to successfully launch an off-cycle review task. See Launch Off-cycle Performance Review.