Create SF-182 Request - Step 2 - Costs and Billing

On the Costs and Billing step of the form creation process, populate the following fields and sections:

Direct Cost and Appropriation/Fund Chargeable

  • Enter the tuition/fees and books/material costs in the Amount column. The total appears in the Total field at the bottom of the column.
  • Enter the tuition/fees and books/material costs in the Appropriation Fund column. Calculate the total and enter it in the Total field at the bottom of the column.

Note: Conditional approvals may apply. Conditional approvals are configured by the administrator in SF-182 Preferences.

Indirect Cost and Appropriation/Fund Chargeable

  • Enter the travel and per diem cost in the Amount column. The total appears in the Total field at the bottom of the column.
  • Enter the travel and per diem cost in the Appropriation Fund column. Calculate the total and enter it in the Total field at the bottom of the column.

Note: Conditional approvals may apply.


  • Total Training Non-Government Contribution Cost - Note: Conditional approvals may apply.
  • Document/Purchasing Order/Registration Number
  • 8-Digit Station Symbol
  • Billing Instructions - Enter billing instructions.

Click Save Draft Form For All Users to add the form request to the users' transcript. Once the request appears on the user's transcript, the request functions in the same way that it would if the user submitted the request themselves. Note:The Course Title field must be completed and at least one user added on Step 3 in order for the form to be saved.