Compensation Plan - Equity Tab

The Equity tab enables compensation managers to allocate equity compensation to their employees. Only employees that match the criteria set in the compensation task appear.

To access the Equity tab when creating a compensation plan, click the Equity tab.

The Base, Bonus, and Equity tabs are only available if they are included in the compensation task. Note: The tab names can be configured by the compensation administrator, so the tab names that appear in the compensation plan may vary.

When the compensation plan is in Read-only mode, only the Compensation Plan Details tab is available.

When the compensation plan is in Approval mode and the compensation manager is not able to edit the compensation plan during the approval workflow, only the Approve Compensation Plan tab is available.

Additional Recommendations

When viewing a Base, Bonus, or Equity tab within a compensation plan, additional recommendation information may appear above the compensation plan tabs. This information pertains to the selected tab. If a different tab is selected, the information may disappear or change. Additional recommendation information is displayed when the compensation template that corresponds with the selected tab is configured to display additional recommendation information on the compensation plan. For example, when viewing the Base tab, additional recommendation information is displayed on the compensation plan if the corresponding base compensation template is configured to display additional recommendation information.

Search and Filter Users

Compensation managers and approvers can search for users within a compensation plan by name, position, and eligibility status.

  • Search by Name - This field enables managers to search for specific users within the compensation plan by name. When a search is conducted, the search query is retained as the compensation manager navigates between tabs.
    • The Budget Summary and Compensation Analytics are not impacted or limited when a search is conducted.
    • Compensation managers can search by <First Name>, by <Last Name>, or by <First Name> <Last Name>. Compensation managers cannot search by <Last Name> <First Name>.
    • Compensation managers can search for multiple names by separating them by a semicolon.
  • Position - This field enables managers to filter the compensation plan by position. When one or more position organizational unit (OU) is selected, the compensation plan only displays users who are within the selected positions. This enables compensation managers to easily compare employees within the same position or similar positions. The filter only contains the positions that are associated with users within the compensation plan. If there are no users within the compensation plan, then this filter is not available.
  • Show Ineligible Employees - Select this option to include ineligible employees in the search. No component data is displayed and no options are available for ineligible employees.

Effective Date

This displays the date on which the compensation adjustments on the selected tab will be implemented. For example, if the effective date for the Base tab is March 15, 2015, then any compensation adjustments that are made on the Base tab will be reflected in the user's compensation on March 15, 2015.

View Options

The following options enable the compensation manager to customize how information is displayed in the Plan Details table:

  • View - From the drop-down, select whether components are displayed as an amount or as a percentage. Administrators can configure the default selection for this option when configuring the compensation template.
    • Amount - Select this option to display components as fixed currency amounts. This option is selected by default.
    • Percentage - Select this option to display components as percentages of the budget (i.e., <ALLOCATION> divided by <BUDGET>). If no budget applies or has been set, "--%" is displayed.
  • Currency - From the drop-down, select the currency in which currency amounts are displayed throughout the compensation plan tab. If only one currency is available, then the currency is displayed as text and cannot be modified. Currency conversions are based upon the conversion rate at the time the compensation task was launched. The following currencies may be available:
    • Compensation Task Currency
    • Compensation Manager's Currency
    • Employee's Currency
  • Show Ineligible Employees - Select this option to include ineligible employees in the Plan Details table for the current tab. No component data is displayed and no options are available for ineligible employees. Administrators can configure the default selection for this option when configuring the compensation template.
  • Show All Comments - Select whether all comments for each user are displayed directly in the Plan Details table. When this option is selected, all comments for the current compensation plan tab are displayed in the Plan Details table. The user photo and name of the compensation manager who wrote the comment and the date and time at which the comment was made are displayed for each comment. The newest comments are displayed first. This option is unchecked by default.
  • Show - From the drop-down, select the maximum number of users who can be displayed in the Plan Details table. If more than the selected number is available, then the additional users appear on a separate page, and the compensation manager must navigate to each page to view all users. This option is only available if at least 16 users are available to be displayed in the Plan Details table. This includes ineligible employees.

Plan Details Table

The plan details table can be sorted by any of the data or component columns in the plan. Only one column can be sorted at a time. Monetary values are sorted based on string values, so all hourly rates appear above salary rates when sorted from low to high. In addition, $500 appears before 1000 Yen when sorted from low to high regardless of the currency conversion.

  • The sorting applies to the entire compensation plan tab, regardless of the number of pages. If the compensation manager is not on the first page when they sort the plan, they are taken to the first page of the plan.
  • To sort the compensation plan based on a certain column, click the column heading. To reverse the sort order, click the column heading again. When navigating to a different tab, the sort order is not saved.

The following information is displayed for each user in the Plan Details table:

  • User Photograph
  • Name - Click the user's name to open their Universal Profile - Snapshot in a separate window. See Universal Profile - Snapshot Overview. If Universal Profile - Snapshot is not enabled, then this opens their Universal Profile - Bio in a separate window. See Universal Profile - Bio Overview.
  • Position
  • Promoted - A Promoted link will appear below the user's Position OU title if the user is promoted during a compensation task. Click the link to open the Promotion pop-up. Note: If the user is given a promotion, and then the promotion is removed, the Promoted link is removed.
  • Options - To view which options are available for a user, click the Options drop-down to the right of the user's name. See the User Options section below for additional information. Note: The Options drop-down is not available for ineligible employees.
  • Components - For each component included in the compensation component template, a column appears to the right of the Name column. The layout of the columns and the column names are configured by the compensation administrator when the compensation template is created. See the Components section below for additional information.

At the bottom of the Plan Details table, the horizontal scroll bar is always visible when viewing any part of the Plan Details table when not all data in the table can be displayed on the screen. The horizontal scroll bar enables the user to scroll left and right on the Plan Details table. As the user scrolls vertically on the page while the Plan Details table is displayed, the horizontal scroll bar for the Plan Details table floats at the bottom of the screen.

User Options

The following options may be available by selecting the Options drop-down to the right of the eligible user's name:

  • More Info - Select this option to open the expanded view of the employee. This option is only available if the expanded view is enabled for the component tab (i.e., Base, Bonus, Equity). See Compensation Plan - Employee Expanded View.
  • Comment - Select this option to view a history of all of the comments made regarding the user for the component tab (i.e., Base, Bonus, Equity). This option also enables the compensation manager to add a new comment. See Compensation Plan - Comments.
  • Show Warning - Select this option to view the components within the compensation plan that are outside the component guidelines. This option is only available when there is at least one component that is outside its guidelines. See Compensation Plan - Outside Guidelines.

Note: The Options drop-down is not available for ineligible employees.


For each component included in the compensation component template, a column appears to the right of the Name column. The layout of the columns and the column names are configured by the compensation administrator when the compensation template is created. Note: No data is displayed for ineligible employees.

In the corresponding field for each component, the compensation manager can enter the appropriate compensation adjustment for each component for each employee. When a component allocation field is selected, a fixed amount field and a percentage of base field are displayed. Enter the allocation amount or percentage in the appropriate field. Note: If an equity component is allocated in shares, the percentage of base field is not available.

Target equity grants can be set for an employee. If a target equity grant is set, the target amount is displayed.

If any adjustment guidelines are defined for the employee, the adjustment fields are automatically populated with the recommended adjustments. The recommended adjustment values can be modified, but must remain within the adjustment guidelines. If a component allocation is outside the component guidelines, an error icon appears to the right of the allocation. Compensation managers can click the icon to open the Over Guideline pop-up, which enables the compensation manager to adjust the allocation. See Compensation Plan - Over Guideline.

  • If a component allocation is outside the component guidelines but within the threshold, a yellow Error icon appears to the right of the component allocation.
  • If a component allocation is outside the component guidelines and also exceeds the threshold, a red Error icon appears to the right of the component allocation.

Adjustment Guideline Recommendations

If a discretionary adjustment guideline applies to a component, then the Adjustment Guidelines icon appears to the right of the component field. Hover the computer cursor over the icon to view the original recommended allocations for the component. The pop-up displays the currency and the original recommended allocation for the component. The currency that is displayed is the currency that is set for the compensation plan.

The Adjustment Guidelines icon is not available if there is no associated adjustment guideline or if the guideline is non-discretionary.

For equity components being allocated as a cash award, the currency that is displayed is the currency that is set for the compensation plan. For equity components being allocated as shares, the currency is displayed as "Shares."

Component Proration

If a component has been prorated for the user, then the Prorated Recommendations icon appears to the right of the component field. Hover the computer cursor over the icon to view the prorated recommendations for the component. The pop-up displays the currency and the prorated recommendations for the component. The currency that is displayed is the currency that is set for the compensation plan.

  • If the component has not yet been prorated into multiple periods, then the component allocation field is editable.
  • If the component has multiple prorated periods, then the component allocation field is read-only and an Edit icon appears to the right of the Prorated Recommendations icon. Click the Edit icon to open the Proration pop-up and allocate prorated amounts for each of the prorated periods of the component for the user.

See Compensation Plan - Proration - Equity.

Employee Expanded View

Each employee row is collapsed by default. To view detailed information for the employee, select the More Info option from the Options drop-down menu that appears to the right of the user photo in the Plan Details table. Note: The Options drop-down is not available for ineligible employees.

See Compensation Plan - Employee Expanded View.

Budget Summary Graph

The Budget Summary graph appears below the Plan Details table on Compensation Plan template and summary pages. This graph displays allocations, budgets, and remaining available allocations for each component that is configured to display. The graph is updated dynamically as the compensation plan is edited. See Compensation Plan - Budget Summary Graph Overview.

Comp Analytics

The Comp Analytics section appears below the Budget Summary graph on Compensation Plan template pages. Each report displays a snapshot of the corresponding information. These reports are updated in real-time. If a component is not included in the compensation plan, then the component does not appear in any compensation analytics graphs. See Compensation Plan - Comp Analytics.

Action Buttons

At the bottom of the page, the following buttons may be available:

  • Save Draft - Click this button to save the compensation plan without submitting it.
  • Previous - Click this button to return to the previous page. This button is not available on the first tab of the compensation plan.
  • Next - Click this button to proceed to the next tab within the compensation plan.
  • Deny - This option is only available when a compensation manager views a compensation plan that requires their approval. Click this button to validate the compensation allocations for the tab and deny the compensation plan. If all allocation validations are passed, then the Summary tab is opened, and the Approve/Deny Confirmation pop-up is opened.
  • Approve - This option is only available when a compensation manager views a compensation plan that requires their approval. Click this button to validate the compensation allocations for the tab and approve the compensation plan. If all allocation validations are passed, then the Summary tab is opened, and the Approve/Deny Confirmation pop-up is opened.