Compensation Plan - Budget Summary Graph - Use Case - Average Allocation

The following budgets are set for the compensation task:

Organizational Unit (OU) Merit Increase Budget by OU Cost of Living Budget by OU
Division A 3% 5%
Division B 4% 4%
Division C 3.5% 3.5

The following users are in the compensation plan:

User OU Current Salary/Hourly Rate
User 1 Division A 10,000 USD
User 2 Division B 20,000 GBP (30,000 USD)
User 3 Division C 30,000 USD
User 4 Division A 40 USD/hour; 2080 hours/year (83,200 USD Annualized)

The decimals of precision that are used for percentages in compensation is 2.

The following allocations are given in the compensation plan:

User Merit Increase Cost of Living
User 1 3% (300 USD) 4% (400 USD)
User 2 4% (800 GBP; 1200 USD) 5% (1000 USD; 1500 USD)
User 3 3.5% (1050 USD) 3% (900 USD
User 4 2.5% (2080 USD) 2% (1664 USD)
Total 4630 USD 4464 USD

The average allocation is calculated by finding the average of all allocation percentages. The following average allocations result from the compensation plan:

Division Merit Increase Cost of Living
Division A (Users 1 & 4) (3% + 2.5%) / 2 = 2.75% (4% + 2%) / 2 = 3.00%
Division B (User 2) 4% / 1 = 4.00% 5% / 1 = 5.00%
Division C (User 3) 3.5% / 1 = 3.50% 3% / 1 = 3.00%
Overall (3% + 4% + 3.5% + 2.5%) / 4 = 3.25% (4% + 5% + 3% + 2%) / 4 = 3.50%