Compensation Plan - Approve/Deny Confirmation

The Approve and Deny Confirmation pop-ups enable the approver to confirm the approval or denial of the compensation plan.

The Approve Confirmation pop-up opens when an approver clicks the Approve button on a compensation plan that is pending the approver's approval.

The Deny Confirmation pop-up opens when an approver clicks the Deny button on a compensation plan that is pending the approver's approval.

Approve Confirmation Pop-up

The following options are available in the Approve pop-up:

  • Approve - Click this button to approve the compensation plan. The compensation plan is approved and moves to the next step in the approval workflow for the compensation task.
  • Cancel - Click this button to cancel the approval and return to the compensation plan.

Deny Confirmation Pop-up

The following options are available in the Deny pop-up:

  • Deny - Click this button to deny the compensation plan. The compensation plan is denied and is returned to the original compensation manager.
  • Cancel - Click this button to cancel the denial and return to the compensation plan.