Apply Previous Version Due Date Criteria Option

On the second step of versioning an online course, the administrator selects versioning options. The Apply Previous Version Due Date Criteria option is located on this page.

To create a new version of an online course, go to Admin > Tools > Learning > Catalog Management and click the Course Catalog link. Find the online course in the Course Catalog and then click the course title. From the Course Console page, click the Options drop-down menu and click the Create Version option. Proceed to the Versioning Options step of the process to configure due date criteria.

Apply Previous Version Due Date Criteria

To apply the due date criteria of the previous course version to the new course version, including dynamic due date criteria such as "10 days from Date Assigned," select the Apply Previous Version Due Date Criteria option from the Due Date section. To apply an exact due date from the previous version to the new standalone online course version, also select the Apply Exact Due Date from Transcript for Standalone Online Course sub-option.

If relative due date criteria from the previous version is applied to the new version, the new version's due date will be the specified number of days after the new version's effective date.

For additional information about online course versioning options: See Online Course - Create Version - Versioning Options (Step 2).


  1. Victor, an administrator, assigns Michelle, an employee, an online course called “Hand Washing Best Practices” V1 via the Learning Assignment Tool (LAT) on January 1st. The course has a relative due date of "1 month from date assigned," so Michelle receives "Hand Washing Best Practices" V1 on her transcript with a due date of February 1st.
  2. Victor reversions the online course, "Hand Washing Best Practices" V1 to V2 on March 1st with an effective date of March 15th. He includes Michelle in the user versioning criteria and selects the Requires Retraining option for her. For the due date criteria, he selects the Apply Previous Version Due Date Criteria option.
  3. Michelle receives the online course, "Hand Washing Best Practices" V2 on her transcript with a due date of April 15th (1 month after the effective date of the new version).