TCC Work Opportunity Tax Credit/TCC Integration - Overview

You can utilize the Tax Credit Co. (TCC) Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) Integrationto hire candidates that qualify for Work Opportunity Tax credits without having to manage the Tax Credit Co. submission and approval workflows separately. The Tax Credit Co. Work Opportunity Tax Credit integration allows you to leverage Tax Credit Co.'s legally sound Work Opportunity Tax Credit qualifying screening tool as part of your application process.

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit enhancement will need to be purchased and configured in the Cornerstone Edge Marketplace. Once configured, the integration can be enabled/disabled through the Cornerstone Edge portal.

Configuration Methods

Tax Credit Co. Work Opportunity Tax Credit assessments can be configured in the following ways:

  • Tax Credit Co.-Work Opportunity Tax Credit Assessments as Part of the Application Workflow - This allows you to include an assessment step in the application workflow for a given job requisition. When an applicant reaches the Work Opportunity Tax Credit assessment step in the application, the assessment is launched in a new window, where the applicant can complete the assessment. When the assessment is completed, Tax Credit Co. sends your portal the eligibility information for the applicant. If the applicant is hired, then their "Hired" status and salary/rate is communicated to Tax Credit Co. Then, Tax Credit Co. processes the tax credit paperwork. Work Opportunity Tax Credit assessment status information is available on the Application tab within the Applicant Profile page. Applicants that complete the assessment as part of the application workflow can view the status of their Work Opportunity Tax Credit assessment from their Career Site > My Profile page by filtering for applications with a status of "Applied."
  • Tax Credit Co.-Work Opportunity Tax Credit Assessments that Can Be Assigned on an Ad Hoc Basis - This allows you to assign assessments to applicants as needed. When the assessment is assigned from Manage Candidates or Manage Applicants, the applicant is sent an email with a link that will direct them to the vendor's site, where they can complete the assessment. The assessment is completed independently of the career site and application workflow. When the assessment is completed, Tax Credit Co. sends your portal the eligibility information for the applicant. If the applicant is hired, then the applicant's "Hired" status and salary/rate is communicated to Tax Credit Co. Then, Tax Credit Co. processes the tax credit paperwork. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit assessment status information is available on the Application tab within the Applicant Profile page.

Use Cases

Part 1: Client Engages with Work Opportunity Tax Credit Assessment Partner

  1. Randal is the Recruiting BPO for Acme Corporation. As a company, Acme provides technical and sales support for Fortune 500 organizations.
  2. Acme has engaged with Tax Credit Co. to handle the Work Opportunity Tax Credit assessment and submission process for WOTC-qualified applicants.
  3. Satisfied with the methodology and structure of the assessments, Randal would like to deploy the assessments via an Edge Integration with Tax Credit Co.

Part 2: Corp Admin activates Integration through Edge

  1. Jennifer is the corporate administrator for Acme.
  2. Randal has requested that Jennifer activate the integration between the portal and Tax Credit Co. so that Acme can include Tax Credit Co. Work Opportunity Tax Credit assessments in their application workflows.
  3. As the corporate administrator, Jennifer accesses the Edge Integration Marketplace to activate Acme's Tax Credit Co. Work Opportunity Tax Credit assessment.
  4. From the Edge Marketplace, Jennifer locates the Tax Credit Co. Work Opportunity Tax Credit integration and enters the credentials given to her by Tax Credit Co.
  5. Acme's portal now has an active integration with Tax Credit Co. Acme is ready to start distributing Work Opportunity Tax Credit assessments to applicants.

Part 3: Recruiting Admin configures Tax Credit Co. Work Opportunity Tax Credit Assessment action step in Application Workflow

  1. Roger is the recruiting administrator for Acme.
  2. With the integration active, Randall asks Roger to include a Tax Credit Co. Work Opportunity Tax Credit assessment in all of Acme's technical and sales support requisitions.
  3. As the recruiting administrator, Roger creates a new assessment action step, making sure to include Tax Credit Co. Work Opportunity Tax Credit assessment as a custom integration.
  4. Roger has now configured the Sales and Technical Support requisitions to include a Tax Credit Co. Work Opportunity Tax Credit assessment.

Part 4: Recruiter assigns an ad hoc assessment to an applicant

  1. Maria, a hiring manager at Acme, is looking to add two new members to her Sales Support team.
  2. She wants to make sure the candidates are Work Opportunity Tax Credit-eligible before she makes an offer.
  3. Maria goes to the Manage Applicants page for the Sales Support requisition.
  4. Maria identifies and selects the candidates to assign them to a Work Opportunity Tax Credit screening assessment.
  5. Maria then changes the candidates' status to the specific integration assessment and assigns the integration status using the Actions drop-down menu. Note: The Work Opportunity Tax Credit assessment must be added to the default status list.
  6. Upon assignment, the candidates receive an email with a link that directs them to the Work Opportunity Tax Credit qualifying screening tool. Once complete, the results are available on the Application tab within the Applicant Profile.

Part 5: Recruiting Admin is able to view Work Opportunity Tax Credit screening assessment results within the Applicant Profile

  1. Once a candidate has completed a Work Opportunity Tax Credit assessment, whether assigned on an ad hoc basis or configured within the Application Workflow, the recruiting admin is able to view assessment results within the Application tab of the Applicant Profile page.
  2. Once the candidate is hired, the recruiter will need to change that candidate's status to "Hired" in order to provide Tax Credit Co. with the candidate salary and hiring information. At that time, any potential qualifying credits will be finalized for that candidate and reflected in the Application tab within the Application Profile page.


This functionality is only available for organizations using Recruiting and must be purchased and activated via the Edge Marketplace. Once purchased and downloaded, provide your pre-existing Tax Credit Co. account credentials, as well as packet IDs related to active Tax Credit Co. assessments. This is done once for the portal but is not needed again once configured. Once the integration has been configured, simply slide the toggle in order to enable/disable the integration.

This enhancement is only available for portals with Recruiting enabled.


The following permissions apply to this functionality:

Applicants: Assign Assessment Integration

Grants access to manage assessment integrations from the Applicant Profile page. This applies to assessments that have been configured in the integration center. This permission cannot be constrained. This permission is only available for portals that have an active assessments integration.

This is the highest level of permission for this functionality. In addition to being able to assign assessments, users with this permission will be able to view the assessment status and assessment details.

Applicants: View Assessment Integration Status

Allows user to view the assessment integration check status on the Applications tab of the Applicant Profile page. The user cannot view the link to the detailed report of the assessment. This permission cannot be constrained. This permission is only available for portals that have an active assessments integration.

This is the lowest level of permission for this functionality. Users with this permission can only view the assessment status; they cannot assign assessments or view assessment details.

Applicants: View Assessment Integration Status and Details Link

Allows user to view the assessment integration status and view link to access the assessment report from the Applications tab of the Applicant Profile page and from the associated column on the Manage Applicants page. This permission cannot be constrained. This permission is only available for portals that have an active assessments integration.

This is the second highest level of permission for this functionality. Users with this permission will be able to view the assessment status and assessment details but will not be able to assign assessments.
