Question Bank (Forms) - Create Question - Select Field Type

The Select Field Type step enables administrators to define the type of question, either date, numeric, radio button, or text. Once the question is saved, the question type cannot be changed.

To access the question bank, go to Admin > Tools > Core Functions > Form Management. Then, click the Question Bank link.

The following question type options are available:

  • Checkbox - The checkbox question type enables administrators to create a single-select checkbox question. When completing the form, users select a single checkbox response from the list of responses configured for the question.
  • Date Picker - Select this option to create a date question type. Date question types provide a data selection as the answer option.
  • Dropdown - The dropdown question type enables administrators to create a single-select dropdown question. When completing the form, users select a single option from the list of dropdown responses configured for the question.
  • Numeric - Select this option to create a numeric question type. Numeric questions provide a numeric text box as the answer option.
  • Radio Buttons - Select this option to create a radio button question type. Radio buttons provide a list of single-select radio button options as answer options.
  • Text - This option is selected by default and creates a text question type. Text questions provide a text box that allows applicants to enter a text response.

Click Next to go to the next step of the question creation process. Or, click Cancel to return to the Question Bank page.