Edge Import - ILT Session Parts Load and Feed

Session Parts represents different sections or parts of a training session. Each session has at least one default session part created. When creating new sessions using Edge Import, the default session part is named “Historical Data.” Start and end dates and times can be managed separately. Attendance can be independently tracked. Different locations or instructors can be independently maintained.

It is a best practice to load event and session data prior to loading session part data.

Starter Guide

Select this link to download the Edge Import Starter Guide.

Select this link to download the Edge Import - Learning Guide.

Unique Identifiers

When loading session part data, the unique identifier for sessions can be provided in the following ways:

  • Unique Session ID across all Events - Select this method when you have unique Session IDs available and want to import new session parts or update existing session parts.
  • Unique Session ID within each Event - Select this method when you have a unique combination (Event ID + Session ID) available and want to import new session parts or update existing session parts.
  • Session Locator Number - Select this method when you want to update existing session parts or when your Session ID is not unique in the portal. Session Locator Number cannot be used to create new session parts.
  • Session Learning Object ID

When loading session part data, the unique identifier for events can be provided in the following ways:

  • Event ID - Select this option when the existing event in the portal has a unique Event ID.
  • Learning Object ID - Select this option when the existing event in the portal does not have an Event ID and Learning Object ID is the only way to reference the event.

Session Part Start and End Date and Time

Session Part start date and time must be less than or equal to Session Part end date and time.

If the time value does not contain a value for HH:MM, 00:00 will be used.

One-day session parts (when the start date and end date are the same) must contain the hours and minutes.

The New Start Date/Time field allows for modifying existing parts without session period restrictions.

The required session part Start Date/Time field is used to create new session parts and identify the existing session part.


The following considerations apply to this load type:

  • Events must be loaded prior to loading sessions, and sessions must be loaded prior to loading session parts.
  • The Session Parts load type can be used to update locations and instructors for a session part.
  • Location organizational units (OUs) must be defined in the system prior to the session part load.
  • Instructors must be defined in the system prior to the session part load.
  • Depending on the configuration, the Session ID or the combination of Event ID and Session ID must be unique.
  • Session Part Start Date and Time is always part of the key fields.
  • When session parts are loaded, the frequency (part occurrence) will always be set as Once.
  • The data load does not check if multiple sessions are being conducted at the same date, time, and location.
  • Review the latest template guideline for fields that are not visible in the template but do have default values for new Session Parts.