Edge Import - Group Loads and Feeds - Overview

The Group load type supports maintaining Group organizational unit (OU) metadata as well as user membership details. Both manual loads and automated feeds are supported for these two load types.

The Group Load supports the following functionality:

  • Create new groups
  • Update existing group metadata, including the following:
    • Standard and custom fields
    • Group hierarchy
    • Localization (Translation load)

The Group Membership Load supports the following functionality:

  • Assign groups to users
  • Remove users from groups



Review the latest template guide before initiating a new organizational unit load.


  • With the legacy Group load in Data Load Wizard, group organization unit data and membership data were managed in a single load type. With Edge Import, this is managed in two separate load types.
  • Group loads (both Edge Import and legacy Data Load Wizard) can only be used to upload lists of specific users based on their User IDs. This means the following features are not supported at this time:
    • Dynamic criteria
    • Group membership updates for dynamic and combination groups. While there is no dedicated validation mechanism in the legacy Data Load Wizard to indicate this, the Edge Import Group Membership load is designed to highlight this with an error: "Invalid request. This load supports only operations for static groups."

Remove "User is" Criteria from Group Criteria

The Remove action can remove "User is" criteria from the Group Criteria of a static group when the referenced user is inactive. This applies to static Groups, which are Groups that only contain "User is" criteria. Edge Import Group Membership loads cannot be used to update combination Groups, which are Groups that contain both static and dynamic criteria, or dynamic Groups, which are Groups that contain only dynamic criteria.

Group Membership never includes inactive users and it is not possible to add a "User is" criteria to a static Group if the referenced user is inactive.

Note: If the “User is” criteria references multiple users, Edge will not remove just one referenced user (either active or inactive) from within that string.

  • Example: User is Smith, John (jsmith), [ Thomas, Darron (dthomas) (Inactive) ], Roger, Seth (sroger)