Edge Import - Salary Structure Load and Feed

The Salary Structure data load can be used to import Salary Structures for Compensation in bulk via manual loads or scheduled feeds using Edge Import. With this load, customers can import multiple records, containing data such as minimum, maximum, and market salary values by wage type, and the combination of up to three organizational units (OUs). Feeds are supported with this load type.

Supported Attributes

The following attributes are supported for salary structure:

  • Primary OU - This field indicates the primary OU for the salary range. This value must be a valid OU ID and of the correct OU type.
  • Secondary OU - This field indicates the secondary OU for the salary range. This value must be a valid OU ID and of the correct OU type. This value is only supported if enabled on the Salary Structure page. This value is required during updates if one was supplied during record creation.
  • Tertiary OU - This field indicates the tertiary OU for the salary range. This value must be a valid OU ID and of the correct OU type. This value is only supported if enabled on the Salary Structure page. This value is required during updates if one was supplied during record creation. When it is supplied, a Secondary OU must also be provided.
  • Wage Type - This field indicates the wage type for the salary range. This must be a valid wage type. All wage type values within the customer's environment are supported. Acceptable wage types are included in the template guide.
  • Minimum Value - This field indicates the minimum value for the salary range. This is a numeric type field.
  • Midpoint Value - This field indicates the midpoint value for the salary range. This value is only supported if the Edit Midpoint checkbox on the Salary Structure page is selected. When supported, it is required. This value must be between the minimum and maximum values. This is a numeric type field.
  • Maximum Value - This field indicates the maximum value for the salary range. This value must be greater than or equal to the minimum value. This is a numeric type field.
  • Market Value - This field indicates the market value for the salary range. This is a numeric type field.
  • Currency - This field indicates the currency for the salary range. This must be a valid currency. Acceptable currency types are included in the template guide.
  • Annualized Range - This field indicates whether this is an annualized range. This field applies and is supported if the wage type is not Annual; otherwise, it is disregarded. This is a True/False type field.


Organizations must activate Edge Import via the Edge Import tile in Edge Marketplace. To access the Edge Marketplace, go to Admin > Tools > Edge > Marketplace.

  • In Pilot and Stage portals, this functionality is available to be tested for free by selecting the Install button.
  • In Production portals, this functionality can be purchased and enabled by selecting the Purchase button.