Data Merge - History

At the bottom of the Data Merge page, the History section displays a history of completed data merges. After a data merge is complete, it appears in the History section. The most recent data merges appear first.

To access the Data Merge page, go to Admin > Tools > Learning > Training Tools > Data Merge.

The following information is displayed for each data merge:

  • Processed By - This displays the name of the administrator who performed the data merge.
  • User ID of Donor Account - This displays the user ID associated with the user account from which the training records were merged (i.e., the From User).
  • User ID of Recipient Account - This displays the user ID associated with the user account to which the training records were merged (i.e., the To User).
  • Date and Time of Event - This displays the date and time at which the data merge was processed. Note: This is not the time the administrator clicked Submit. This field is empty until the data merge is processed.
  • Unmerged - This displays the number of training items that were not merged to the recipient account. Click the View (#) link to open a pop-up that displays all training items that were not merged.
  • Status - This column displays the current status of the data merge.

View Unmerged Items Pop-up

This pop-up displays all training items that were not merged to the recipient account for a data merge. These are the training items that already existed on the recipient training record, perhaps in a different status, version, or registration number.

This pop-up is accessed by clicking the View (#) link in the History section.