Competency Bank Template - Items and Behaviors

The Items and Behaviors template is one of the templates that is available when loading competency bank information via the Data Load Wizard.

The Items and Behaviors template for competency bank data contains the items and behaviors that are associated with a competency. This template can be used when adding or updating the items or behaviors that are associated with a competency. When loading competencies, the General Information template must be the first template that is loaded. Note: When a new competency is added to the system via the Data Load Wizard, the competency is not visible within the system until items or behaviors are loaded to the competency via the Data Load Wizard. This prevents competencies that do not have items or behaviors from being added to a competency model.

When loading items and behaviors, all entities must be of the same type for a given competency. For example, only items can be loaded to an item type competency, and only behaviors can be loaded to a behavior type competency.

The Items and Behaviors template contains the following data fields:

Name Description Validation Rules
System ID

This is set by the administrator and is used to reference the competency that is being loaded into the system.

When updating existing competency data, the System ID for the data that is being loaded must match the System ID for the existing data.

Data that is manually created in the system has a different System ID format than data that is created in the Data Load Wizard. Data created manually has a System ID prefix of "10-" (e.g., 10-123). This prefix is reserved for data that is manually created in the system.

  • This field is required.
  • This field must be unique.
  • The character limit is 32.

To enable this functionality, contact Global Customer Support.

Culture ID This determines the culture (language) in which the competency is loaded. The value must match one of the existing Culture IDs within the system.
  • This must be a valid Culture ID. See the Helpful Hints for a list of valid Culture IDs.
Assessment Type This specifies what type of assessment is being loaded, Items or Behaviors.
  • This field is required.
  • This must be set to Item or Behavior.
Behavior/Item ID This is the unique ID for the item or behavior. This ID is not currently displayed within the system and must be tracked by the administrator in order to reference the data in the future. The ID will be displayed in the system in a future release.
  • This field is required.
  • This field must be unique within a competency. A competency cannot have duplicate behavior/item IDs.
  • The character limit is 32.
Behavior/Item Name This is the name of the behavior or item.
  • This field is required.
  • The character limit is 100.
Behavior Rating This field only applies when loading behaviors. This is the behavior rating.
  • This is required when Assessment Type = Behavior.
  • This must be an integer, and must be one of the values configured in the Default Rating Scale.
Delete This is a Boolean field that indicates whether the item or behavior should be deleted. If this is set to True, the item or behavior is deleted from the system. If this is set to False, the item or behavior is not deleted. This can only be set to True for an item or behavior that exists within the system. When an item or behavior is deleted, any associated trainings are also deleted.
  • This is set to False if blank.
  • This must be one of the following values: True, False, T, F, Yes, No, Y, N, Active, Inactive.

Use Case 1: Item/Behavior Ordering

The display order of items and behaviors that are loaded via the Data Load Wizard is determined by the order in which the items and behaviors are loaded.

Data in database prior to load:

Item/Competency Order Competency Ref ID Assessment Type Behavior/Item ID Behavior/Item Name
1 123 Item 321 Works well with others
2 123 Item 322 Contributes to changes
3 123 Item 323 Creative influence
4 123 Item 324 Mentors others
5 123 Item 325 Facilitates improvement

Data in loaded file:

Competency Ref ID Assessment Type Behavior/Item ID Behavior/Item Name Delete
123 Item 323 Creative influence True
123 Item 324 Mentors others True
123 Item 326 Team player <null>

Data in database after load:

Item/Competency Order Competency Ref ID Assessment Type Behavior/Item ID Behavior/Item Name
1 123 Item 321 Works well with others
2 123 Item 322 Contributes to changes
3 123 Item 325 Facilitates improvement
4 123 Item 326 Team player

Use Case 2: Item/Behavior IDs Must Be Unique

Data in database prior to load:

Item/Competency Order Competency Ref ID Assessment Type Behavior/Item ID Behavior/Item Name
1 123 Item ABC321 Works well with others
2 123 Item ABC322 Contributes to changes
3 123 Item ABC323 Creative influence

Data in loaded file:

Competency Ref ID Assessment Type Behavior/Item ID Behavior/Item Name
123 Item ABC321 Strong technical knowledge
321 Behavior ABC321 Contributes to changes
321 Behavior ABC322 Creative influence
321 Behavior ABC323 Handling difficult situations

Data in database after load:

Item/Competency Order Competency Ref ID Assessment Type Behavior/Item ID Behavior/Item Name Comments
1 123 Item ABC321 Strong technical knowledge Item name is updated.
2 123 Item ABC322 Contributes to changes No change.
3 123 Item ABC323 Creative influence No change.
4 321 Behavior ABC321 Contributes to changes New behavior.
5 321 Behavior ABC322 Creative influence New behavior.
6 321 Behavior ABC323 Handling difficult situations New behavior.