GDPR - Ad Hoc Anonymization

You can request to have applicant data anonymized on an ad hoc basis outside of the specified compliance settings timeframe and without forcing a candidate to log in to their profile to anonymize their own data.

This option is available in addition to the ability to enable anonymization in Compliance Enablement Preferences, a feature that lets you configure whether applicants can request anonymization and also allow the system to anonymize applicant data after a period of inactivity by the applicant.

Request Anonymization

To request ad hoc anonymization, submit a work order to Global Customer Support. Once the work order has been completed, the applicant will be anonymized, regardless of their period of inactivity.

If an applicant requests to be anonymized, and the applicant is still in an active status for an open requisition, the applicant will stay in their current status but no one will be able to interact with their profile after the anonymization takes place.

Note: To enable instant application data deletion and profile anonymization, contact Global Customer Support.

See Also