Cornerstone Content - Reports

For tracking data specific to Cornerstone Content, use Reporting 2.0 to build the following:

  • License Utilization Report - Track the utilization of your Cornerstone Content subscriptions.
  • Recurring Training Report - Track all content updates.

License Utilization Report

You can track the utilization of your Cornerstone Content subscriptions using Reporting 2.0.

You can compare the output of this report with the number of licenses you purchased to understand how many licenses are still available.

If you purchased more than one subscription that contains the same title, the title only appears in your portal once (one LO), associated with one subscription. The subscription association is determined as follows:

  • If you have multiple orders with different subscriptions, the LO will be associated with the subscription that was loaded to your portal (I.e. purchased) first.

If you have one order with multiple subscriptions that loaded on the same date, the LO is associated with subscriptions in the following order:

  • Content Anytime Core subscriptions (Professional Development, Learning & Management, Modern Compliance)
  • Content Anytime Secondary subscriptions
  • à la carte subscriptions

To build a license utilization report, see Cornerstone Content Utilization Reporting.

Recurring Training Report

Track all the courses in your Cornerstone Content subscriptions and when they were added to your portal.

To build a recurring Training Report, see Keeping Track of Your CSOD Content Updates.

For additional information about creating, using, and report permissions, See Reporting 2.0 Overview.