Connect Topic Administration (Old)

  1. Search - to search for existing Topics
  2. Create New Topic - to create a new Topic
  3. Expand icon - to view subordinate topics under parent topic
  4. Edit - to make changes to existing topics
  5. Delete - to remove an existing topic

To access Connect Topic Administration:

  1. Go to Admin page
  2. Click Connect Administration
  3. Click Topic Administration
  4. Click Create a New Topic
  5. Topic Details:
    1. Topic Title - enter a tile for the topic (required field)
    2. Parent Topic (Optional) - select from drop-down list to create a sub-topic of the selected parent
    3. Short Description - enter a description (required field)
    4. Tags - represent words the user would enter when searching for the topic
    5. Topic Moderator - click to select topic moderator/s (required field)
    6. Language - select language from drop-down if applicable
    7. Posting Types allowed - select which posting types to allow within the topic. At least one posting type must be selected.
    8. Click to add a Subject - to associate the topic with a subject category
  6. Availability Selection Criteria:
    1. Choose availability criteria from drop-down list
    2. Include Subordinates - check box if applicable
    3. Access Level:
      • Read Only - User can view the posts in the topic, but they cannot comment on posts.
      • Read Write - User can view and create posts, post questions to the topic, and create discussions.
      • Read Only w/Question Asking - Users can view posts and post questions to the topic, but they cannot comment on posts.
      • Read Only w/Commenting - User can view posts and comment on them.
  7. Click Submit