Localize Wage Types

Administrators can use the Manage Wage Types page to localize some of the fields for wage types. Note: You can only edit the Default Value field for a custom wage type.

To access the Manage Wage Types page, go to ADMIN > TOOLS > COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT > WAGE TYPES.

Set Up Localization

To set up localization:

  1. On the Manage Wage Types page, click Edit for an existing wage type. The Edit Wage Type flyout opens.
  2. Click the globe icon for the field you want to localize. Note: You can only localize fields that display a globe.
  • The Translate flyout opens.
    1. Enter the localized text in the appropriate section and then click the OK button to return to the Edit Wage Type flyout.
    2. Click the Done button on the Edit Wage Type flyout to save the changes and return to the Manage Wage Types page.

    The selected fields now appear in the localized language.