Compensation Tags - Goal Progress Tags

All goal achievement percentages and goal weights used in compensation use the current goal data.

When using any of the Goal Achievement metrics or tags (i.e., Company Goal Achievement %, Division Goal Achievement %, Individual Goal Achievement %) within Adjustment Guidelines, Deferral Guidelines, and Custom Compensation Statements, the Goal Achievement metrics and tags are evaluated using the latest goal progress and goal weights while the compensation task is in progress. Goal achievement and progress is locked once the compensation task is approved or completed.

Once a compensation plan has completed its last editable step, the Goal Achievement metrics and tags are frozen with regards to the task. The frozen value is also used in custom compensation statements and reporting.

For example, a compensation task is configured with one approver step, which has editing privileges. The compensation manager submits the compensation plan where the Individual Goal Achievement % for the employee is 50%. The employee edits their goal progress and all of their individual goals for the year are now 75% complete. When the approver opens the compensation manager's plan to approve or deny it, the Goal Achievement for the user is 75%.