Equity Compensation Template - Layout - Expanded View Layout

The Expanded View Layout section enables administrators to select which compensation fields appear in the expanded employee view in the compensation task. Administrators are also able to customize the field name that is displayed on the compensation task.

Available fields

The Available fields field lists all of the available fields that can be added to the expanded employee view on the compensation template. Fields are grouped into categories, and the categories are only displayed if there are available fields within the category. For example, if all of the graphs are moved to the Display fields field, then the Graphs category does not appear in the Available fields field. The category titles are based upon the system default title headers for the section in the expanded employee view. The following categories may be available:

  • Graphs - This category includes Performance History and Grant History graphs.
  • Equity Data - This category includes equity data fields, such as Aggregate Company Data.
  • Organizational Data - This category includes organizational data fields such as default organizational unit (OU) associations.
  • Performance Data - This category includes Competency, Performance, and Succession fields.
  • Additional Information - This category includes User and custom OU fields.

Data fields in the Available fields field are displayed in alphabetical order within each category.

The Available fields field only displays fields that have not yet been added to the employee expanded view. In order for a field to be displayed in the expanded view, it must be moved to the Display fields field. See the Fields - Add to Display section below for additional information.

Components that appear in the Available fields field for a template do not appear in the corresponding expanded employee view.

Display fields

The Display fields field lists all of the fields that have been added to the expanded employee view on the compensation template. Fields are grouped into categories, and the categories are only displayed if there are available fields within the category. For example, if all of the graphs are removed from the Display fields field, then the Graphs category does not appear in the Display fields field. The category titles are based upon the system default title headers for the section in the expanded employee view. In order to hide a field from the display, it must be moved to the Available fields field. See the Fields - Remove from Display section below for additional information.

Categories and fields are displayed in the Display fields field in the order in which they will appear in the expanded view on the compensation task. The display order can be modified by the administrator by changing the order in which they appear in this field. See the Fields - Change Display Order section below for additional information.

Administrators are able to customize the category and field names that are displayed to compensation managers on the compensation plan. See the Selected field and Display name section below for additional information.

By default, all default fields appear in the Display fields field when a compensation template is created. The following categories and fields are available for equity type compensation templates:

  • Graphs - This category must appear at the top of the Display fields field because any graphs that are displayed in the expanded employee view must be displayed first (on the left side of the expanded view).
    • Grant History
    • Performance History
  • Organizational Data
    • Hire Date
    • Division
    • Grade
    • Location
    • Cost Center
  • Equity Data
    • Previous <Equity components that are added to the template>
  • Performance Data - This category includes Competency, Performance, and Succession fields that were manually added. See the Add Fields section below for additional information.
  • Additional Information - This category includes User and OU fields that were manually added. See the Add Fields section below for additional information.

Add Fields

Administrators can add user, OU, competency, performance review, and succession fields to the expanded employee view.

To add fields, click the Add Fields link at the top of the Display fields field. This opens the Search Fields and Metrics pop-up. Select the appropriate fields and click the Add button. The selected fields are added in alphabetical order at the bottom of the appropriate category in the Display fields field.

Once fields are added, they remain visible in either the Available fields or Display fields field after the template is saved. However, if the administrator cancels the changes after the fields are added, then the added fields are removed from the template.

Performance review section scores can be added as a metric for performance reviews that are in a Queued, Not Started, In Progress, Complete, or Expired status. This includes both active and inactive performance reviews. See Performance Review Section Score Metrics.

Selected field and Display name

When a single field or category is selected in the Available fields or Display fields field, the Selected field field displays the default name of the selected field or category. If more than one field or category is selected or if no field or category is selected, then this field is blank.

While the Selected field field displays the default name for the selected field or category, administrators are able to customize the name that is displayed to compensation managers on the compensation task. To customize the field or category name, enter a new name in the Display name field, up to 100 characters. This is the field or category name that will appear on the compensation plan. This field does not accept HTML. If multiple languages are enabled for your portal, select the Translate icon to translate the field into other available languages.

  • When a display name is modified, the change only applies to the current compensation template. The change does not affect any other compensation templates in which the corresponding field or category appears.
  • By default, the display name is the same as the default field or category name.
  • A display name is required for each field and category, regardless of whether it is included in the Available fields or Display fields field.
  • You cannot edit the following fields:
    • Graphs
    • Salary/Rate History
    • Performance History
    • Division
    • Grade
    • Location
    • Cost Center
    • Employee's Annual Equivalency
    • Bi-Weekly: en-US
    • Days: en-US
    • Labor Hours: en-US
    • Monthly Custom Wage: en-US
    • Annual Equivalency
    • OU display fields
    • Any Display fields whose parent is Annual Equivalency, such as Labor Hours or Display fields with type Amount.
  • The Graphs category name cannot be modified. Also, the name of any equity components that are included in the template cannot be modified.

Note: The Display name field is inactive if more than one field is selected, no field is selected, or the selected field's display name cannot be modified.

Fields - Add to Display

The Available fields field only displays fields that have not yet been added to the employee expanded view. In order for a field to be displayed in the expanded view, it must be moved to the Display fields field. To add a field to the display, select the field from the Available fields field and click the Move Right button , which is to the right of the Available fields field. The selected item is added to the bottom of the appropriate category in the Display fields field. The display order of the field can then be modified, if necessary. See the Fields - Change Display Order section below for additional information.

An entire category can be moved to the Display fields field by selecting the category and clicking the Move Right button. The selected category is added to the bottom of the Display fields field.

Administrators can move multiple fields to the Display fields field by selecting multiple fields prior to clicking the Move Right button.

Fields - Remove from Display

The Display fields field lists all of the fields that have been added to the expanded employee view on the compensation template. Fields are grouped into categories, and the categories are only displayed if there are available fields within the category. For example, if all of the graphs are removed from the Display fields field, then the Graphs category does not appear in the Display fields field. The category titles are based upon the system default title headers for the section in the expanded employee view. In order to hide a field from the display, it must be moved to the Available fields field.

To remove a field from the display, select the field from the Display fields field and click the Move Left button , which is to the left of the Display fields field. The selected item is added to the appropriate category in the Available fields field in alphabetical order.

Administrators can move multiple fields to the Available fields field by selecting multiple fields prior to clicking the Move Left button.

An entire category can be removed from the Display fields field by selecting the category and clicking the Move Left button. The selected category is removed from the Display fields field.

Fields that cannot be removed from the display are denoted with an asterisk (*) next to the column name in the Display fields field.

Fields - Change Display Order

Categories and fields are displayed in the Display fields field in the order in which they will appear in the expanded view on the compensation task. The display order can be modified by the administrator by changing the order in which they appear in this field. For example, the field that appears at the top of the Display fields field will appear as the first field on the left in the expanded employee view on the compensation task, and the field that appears at the bottom of the Display fields field will appear as the last field on the right in the expanded employee view on the compensation task.

Note: If the Graph category is displayed, it must be the first category in the expanded employee view on the compensation task. Because of this, the display order cannot be changed for the Graph category. In addition, no category can be moved above the Graph column. However, the display order of the fields within the Graph category can be modified.

To change the display order for a field, select the field from the Display fields field and click the appropriate button to the right of the Display fields field. The following options are available:

  • Move to Top - Click this button to move the selected field to the top of the list.
  • Move to Bottom - Click this button to move the selected field to the bottom of the list.
  • Move Up - Click this button to move the selected field up one position.
  • Move Down - Click this button to move the selected field down one position.

Administrators can move multiple fields by selecting multiple fields prior to clicking the appropriate Move button. In addition, administrators can move an entire category by selecting the category prior to clicking the appropriate Move button.