Training Plan - Copy

From the Training Forecast Administration screen, the administrator can select the Copy icon to copy a training plan. This navigates them to the Copy Training Plan - General page.

The process for copying a training plan is the same as creating a training plan. Most of the information is copied from the original training plan, but there is some information that must be entered for the new training plan. You may also edit the information that was copied during this process.

You cannot advance to the next step until each of the required fields is satisfied. You can return to previous steps once they are completed or during editing by clicking the appropriate link on the left navigation.

Information NOT Copied

The following information is NOT copied from the original plan and must be entered for the new training plan:

General section

  • Training Plan Name

Date Criteria section

  • Forecast Period
  • Plan Period
  • Expiration Date
  • Default Access Periods - The check box status is copied, but the date ranges are not copied.
  • Learning Assignment Options

Plan Contributors

  • Access Period

Plan Managers

  • Access Period