Configure Bulk Emails

Select email options can be configured in bulk for multiple training items using the Course Catalog bulk editing feature.

Design Note: An updated interface is available for this page, which can be enabled by administrators in Feature Activation Preferences. With the new design, the functionality of the page is unchanged.

To batch edit items in the Course Catalog, go to Admin > Tools > Learning > Catalog Management > Course Catalog. Select the appropriate training items and click the batch edit button. Then, click the Edit Email link.

Note: In the case of legacy UI, Batch Edit is replaced by Edit Selected at the bottom of the page. The Batch Edit or Edit Selected option is only visible if the Enable Enhanced Search checkbox is unselected.

Edit Email

When batch editing LOs via the Course Catalog, the following options are available on the Edit Email page:

  • System Defaults - Select this option to apply the default emails configured via Email Administration to all the training items you are currently bulk editing. For more information about configuring system defaults via Email Administration: See Email Administration.
  • No Emails - Select this option if no emails should be sent for any of the training items you are currently bulk editing.

Note: The ability to configure custom emails in bulk is NOT currently supported.